Jamie said, "I don't know why these jws aren't covering their territory."
I almost started a thread on that topic a few months ago because I had so few JWs come to my door and I hadn't seen one in years. Before I could do it they showed up though, so I scrapped my planned thread. LOL
When we were in, all we would hear about is how the JWs were all over the place preaching and doing the work, every two weeks in some territories. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that the world was receiving a thorough witness before Armageddon. We were told everyone knew all about the JWs and their work.
Well, I was really surprised when I left and they rarely showed up at my door. I had moved to a different location from when I was a JW so nobody should have deliberately avoided my door. I never lived in any locked out buildings or private communities so they should have had no trouble reaching me. During almost 20 years of being out and living in several cities in three different states I've had them come to my door only a few times. If they came when I wasn't home, they never left anything in the door to show it.
I can only conclude that the JWs do not cover their territories as often as we were led to believe.